Awards Galore!

So what a great Tuesday morning we had this week! As of yesterday, we have won two awards at the 2021 UK Enterprise Awards! These are the Mortgage advisers of the Year 2021 – Derbyshire award and the Distinction Award for Client Service Excellence 2021.
How amazing is that? Finally all our hard work is being recognised! To say we’re the top advisers in Derbyshire is incredible – what an achievement, if I do say so myself!
This comes after making the finals for two categories at The Mortgage Awards 2021 as well as all our other nominations we’ve had over the last year.
It’s great that Peak is being recognised for its wonderful achievement and hard work – it’s getting the point now where I’m losing track of what we’ve been nominated for as there’s been so many! I think a word document is calling me haha.
But we’d love to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us since day one, none of this would be possible without you!